Symphonic music : concertos |
Symphonic music : concertos Op. 10 (1944)
Op. 10 bis - Version for horn and piano (Editions Combre) Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio - Unpublished Op. 25 (1946)
First performance :
Op. 25 ter - Reduction for violincello and piano Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio - Unpublished On YouTube...
Op. 25 bis (1963)
Score dated : December 24th, 1958 Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio - Unpublished Op. 32 (1947)
Dedication : à l'artiste et ami Jean Devemy, mon admiration en toute cordialité, Paris le 31 octobre 1948 Op. 32 bis - Version for horn and piano Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score - Unpublished Op. 64 (1953) 2 flutes (1 piccolo), 1 oboe, 2 B-flat clarinets, 1 bassoon, 2 horns in F, 1 trumpet in C, 6 altos, 4 cellos, 2 double bass, tymbals, piano First performance :Dedication : à Henry Moreau qui en a donné la première audition le 15 février 1953 et à mes collègues de l'Opéra MM. Gaston Logerot (soliste), Alfred Gontier, Etienne Bonnand, Alexandre Charles, Ennemond Barthelemy, Jacques Cazauran et Paul Amat.
Op. 64 bis - Concertino for double bass and piano Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score - Unpublished Op. 69 (1952) Op. 69 bis - Tuba-concert for tuba in C or B-flat saxhorn and piano Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score Editions Eschig, Paris Op. 82 (1955)
Order from the French State 1955
First performance :
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio Op. 82 bis - Reduction for the piano - Unpublished On YouTube...
Op. 112 (1957)
First performance :
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score (oboe and piano), audio Editions Alphonse Leduc Op. 112 bis - Version for oboe and piano digital recording available : Amaa05 Orchestre Radio Suisse Romande ; December 30th, 1976 digital recording available : Amaa10 Ensemble instrumental Vibrations, Conductor : Nicolas Simon, Oboe : Jonathan Mauch, Paris, May 16th, 2002 Op. 125 (1959)
First performance :
Dedication : au virtuose, au professeur, à mon ami Jean-Marie Londeix Score dated : October 1st, 1959 Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio Editions Combre, Paris Op. 125 bis - Version for saxophone and piano digital recording available : Amaa04 Orchestre Radio Suisse Romande : Jean-Marie Londeix (saxophone) digital recording available : Amaa13 From YouTube : Jean-Marie Londeix (saxophone) Available on YouTube : Op. 178 (1967) 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, 1 trombone, 1 tuba, piano, tamtam, big drum, light drum, tymbals, 2 double bass (one with 5 strings) Op. 178 bis - Reduction for double bass and piano Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio Editions Alphonse Leduc Op. 233 (1976)
Score dated : Le Rondon le 23 août 1976 Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio - Unpublished Op. 263 (1981)
Dedication : Cordialement à Georges Arellano Op. 263 bis - Reduction for violin and piano (Editions Delatour) Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio - Unpublished Direct access to Editions Delatour : Click here digital recording available : Amaa02 Violin : Georges Arellano ; Orchestre de la Société des concerts du conservatoire ; Conductor : André Amellér ; Dijon, April 1st, 1981 digital recording available : Amaa21 Violin : Raphaëlle Desgraviers ; Orchestre d'harmonie de Saint-Claude ; Conductor : André Amellér ; Saint-Claude (Jura) ; May 31st, 1985 Videos on YouTube :
Op. 368 (1986)
Duration : 13 mn
Op. 368 bis - Fantaisie pour 2 guitares et orchestre à cordes (Reduction for 2 guitars and piano) Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio - Unpublished Op. 369 (1986) 2 flutes, 1 oboe, 2 clarinets, 1 bassoon, 1 horn, 1 trombone, tymbals, celesta, cymbale, light drum and strings
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score Editions Combre, Paris (for score rental) Op. 369 bis - Concerto for trumpet and orchestra (Reduction for trumpet and piano). |
legal informations- © Copyright J.H. Amellér 1995-2024 - all rights reserved - last update: September 1st, 2024 |