Symphonic music : orchestra
Op. 2 quater (1943)
on a poem by Arthur Rimbaud
Op. 2 quater - Ophélia for 4 voices choir with orchestra
(3 flutes, 1 oboe, 1 english horn, 2 B-flat clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 F horns, 1 C trumpet, celesta, harp, string quartet, tymbals)
Op. 2 quinquies - Ophélia reduction for 4 voices choir and piano
Written in 1943 for the Prix de Rome.
Conductor score signed and dated: May 5th, 1943
Reduced score signed and dates : May 2nd, 1943
Reduction for choir and piano:
Op. 2 quinquies - Ophélia
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association: score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 11 (1942)
Variations sur un chant de la Lorraine
for symphony orchestra
Reduced version for piano duet : Op. 11 bis - Variations sur un chant de la Lorraine (handwritten score dated 1942).
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 12 (1944)
Evocations (Psaume 136)
baryton, choir, organ and orchestra (strings + 2.2., tenor oboe,, tymbals, cymbale, harp)
First performance :
- Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Dijon
Performed by :
- Ensemble Joseph Samson,
- André Fleury (orgue)
- Conductors : André Amellér et J. F. Samson
Reduced version for baryton, choir, organ and piano : Op. 12 bis - Evocations
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 13 (1946)
Chanson de Noël
for instrumental group
Duration: 3 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la RTF Bordeaux
Conductor : Lucien Mora
Reduced version for clarinet and piano : Op. 37 bis - Douce chanson
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 15 bis (1943)
Poem by Emile Despax
(Premières mélodies)
Version with orchestra
Dedication : à Mademoiselle Janine Marteau
Op. 15 - Version with piano (August 1943)
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 16 bis (1945)
Parlons bas
Poem by Henry Spiess
(Premières mélodies)
Version with orchestra (August 6th, 1945)
Dedication : à Madame Katia Oudiette
Op. 16 - Version with piano (August 1943)
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 17 bis (1944)
Les mains
Poem by Henry Spiess
(Premières mélodies)
Version with orchestra
Dedication : pour Jacqueline Cochard en toutes amitiés, Paris le 23 septembre 1948
Op. 17 - Version with piano
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 18 bis(1944)
La voix
Poem by Henri de Régnier
(Premières mélodies)
Version with orchestra
Dedication : à Madame M. L. Moncy
Op. 18 - Version with piano
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 19 bis (1944)
Comme les jours dorés
Poem by Cécile Sauvage
(Premières mélodies)
Version with orchestra
8 juin 1944, Concours de composition
Dedication : à Madame Denyse Grouésy
Op. 19 bis - Version with piano
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 31 (1947)
Esquisses pour le théâtre - piano, glock, timpani and drums
Handwritten score dated : Paris, January 2nd, 1947
Duration: 10 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre des Concerts Colonne, Paris
March 17th, 1947
Conductor : Paul Paray
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 34 (1948)
Symphonie - cymbal, glock, 2 harps, celesta
Dedication : à la mémoire du Général Leclerc, Libérateur de Paris
Score dated December 1947
Duration: 25 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire de Dijon
Conductor : André Amellér
Op. 34 bis - Reduced version for the piano
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 42 (1955)
Danse de Séléné (suite symphonique) - 2.2. timpani, harp, drums, keyboards
Duration: 15 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de Toulouse
Conductor : Jean Clergue
Op. 42 bis - Danse de Séléné (reduction for piano)
Op. 42 - Danse de Séléné (in "Ballets")
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Video on YouTube :

Op. 42 - Danse de Séléné
Ballet music
Argument by Pélissane
Op. 45 (1949)
Légende du Rhin
Ballet en 2 tableaux. Argument de Pélissane.
Orchestra : - timpani, drum, xylophone, triangle, castanets,
tambour basque, light drum, hanged cymbal, tom-tom, glock, cymbal, harp
Duration: 15 - 18 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux, Paris, February 27th, 1949
Conductor : André Amellér
- Orchestre des Concerts Colonne, Paris, November 20th, 1949
Conductor : Robert Blot
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
Op. 45 bis - Légende du Rhin, reduction for the piano.
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 49 (1950)
Triptyque symphonique : Prélude, Divertissement, Interlude - timpani, drum, drums, harp
Duration: 15 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre des Concerts Pasdeloup, Paris
Conductor : Pierre Dervaux
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 55 (1951)
Sampiero Corso (overture) - drums
Duration: 9 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la Société des Concerts, Paris
Conductor : André Cluytens
Dedication : Cordialement à André Cluytens qui en a donné la première audition à la Société des Concerts le 21 octobre 1951.
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 72 (1952)
Annapurna (poème symphonique)
Duration : 15 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre Radio Symphonique de Paris, September 23rd, 1956
Conductor : Eugène Bigot
Dedication : à Maurice Herzog et à ses compagnons
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available : Amaa01 January 17th, 1965
digital recording available : Amaa21 September 23rd, 1956 ; Conductor : Eugène Bigot
Op. 78 (1955)
Illustration musicale pour présentation des instruments
4 violins, 2 altos, 2 violincellos, 1 double bass, 1 flute, 1 piccolo, 1 oboe, 2 clarinets, 1 bassoon, 1 trumpet, 1 trombone, 3 horns, 1 saxophone, timbales, drum, basque drum, triangle, cymbale, hangged cymbale.
Handwritten score dated : January 8th, 1955
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 81 (1955)
Le Temple de Gloire de Jean-Philippe Rameau
Transcription and orchestral realisation
Tablature : 1 small flute, 2 large flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 (4 horns ad libitum), 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani, string quintet.
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 83 (1953)
Hyrjoe le Joueur de Lvikko (poème symphonique) - timpani, harp, drums, keyboards
Duration: 13 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la Société des Concerts, Paris
Conductor : Robert Blot
Score dated : Paris, August 19th,1953
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 85 (1954)
La Moresca (suite de danses sur des thèmes corses) - timpani, drums
Duration: 14 mn
First performance :
- Grand orchestre symphonique de Liège
Conductor : Charles Bartsch
- Orchestre de la Radiodiffusion Belge, Bruxelles
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 86 (1954)
Histoire d'un merle blanc
Argument of fairy-ballet, after a story by Alfred de Musset.
Score by André Amellér.
Scenario and cutting by Pierre Descaves and Pierre Rolland.
(3 flutes, piccolo, 2 oboes, bugle, 2 B-flat clarinets, 1 B-flat bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 bassinets, 4 F horn, 3 C trumpet, 2 trombones, tuba, soprano saxophone, piano, harp, strings, timpani, basque drum, military drum, triangle, snare drum, hanged cymbal, cymbals, bass drum, tom-tom, bells, xylophone, celesta, glockenspiel, woodblocks)
Fairy-ballet in 3 scenes :
- The scenes 1 and 2 are also used by "Les oiseaux du Vieux Paris"
- The scene 3 is the final of "l'histoire d'un merle blanc"
- An addendum ("Variations cacatoès") is part of the scene 3
Score dated of 1953.
Op. 86 bis - Reduced version for the piano.
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 93 bis à 98 bis (1956)
Terre Secrète, 6 mélodies
for baryton
Version with orchestra :
Tablature : 1 flute, 1 oboe, 1 clarinet, 1 bassoon, 1 horn, harp and string quintet (
- Je ne suis que cet enfant...
- Arbres de cris...
- La lune se perd...
- Mai s'enroule au ciel des fontaines...
- D'étés en étés...
- Mon pays de crépuscule est là...
Poems after Georges-Emmanuel Clancier :
- Terre secrète (Je ne suis que cet enfant...)
- Chanson de l'adieu (Arbres de cris...)
- Chanson de la femme verte (La lune se perd...)
- Chanson de mai (Mai s'enroule au ciel des fontaines...)
- D'étés en étés...
- Mon pays de crépuscule est là...
Duration : 12 mn
First performance : versions with orchestra
- Société des concerts du Conservatoire
Dijon, March 14th, 1979
- Baryton : Bernard Demigny
- Conductor : André Amellér
Op. 93 à 98 - Terre secrète with piano
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available : Amaa22 (Baryton : Louis-Jacques Rondeleux ; Piano : Odette Pigault ; August 6th, 1957)
Op. 106 (1957)
A quoi rêvent les jeunes filles (ouverture)
Ouverture, Divertissement, Sérénade
Theater music for a play by Alfred de Musset, 1 bassoon, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani and strings
Duration: 7 mn (Ouverture)
First performance :
- Radio Lille, France
Conductor : Victor Clowez
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available

Available on YouTube
Saint-Claude symphonic orchestra (Jura - France)
Conductor : Bernard Dupaquier
Op. 124 (1958)
Les oiseaux du Vieux Paris
Musical story for orchestra and men choir ad libitum
(3 flutes, piccolo, 2 oboes, bugle, 2 B-flat clarinets, 1 B-flat bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 bassinets, 4 F horn, 3 C trumpet, 2 trombones, tuba, soprano saxophone, piano, harp, strings, timpani, basque drum, military drum, triangle, snare drum, hanged cymbal, cymbals, bass drum, tom-tom, bells, xylophone, celesta, glockenspiel, woodblocks)
Duration : 20 mn
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
Op. 124 bis - Reduced version for the piano.
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 181 (1970)
4 mouvements : Oaradya, Areko-Arba, Triggiki, Dro-Namahito-Dro
2 flutes, 2 trumpets, string quartet, string orchestra and percussion
Duration: 25 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre des Concerts Symphoniques de Musique de Chambre de Paris
Conductor : Robert Blot
- Orchestre symphonique de Lahti, Finlande
Conductor : André Amellér
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
Editions Transatlantiques, Paris
digital recording available
Op. 204 (1973)
Dentelles et Broderies Valencianes (Puntillas y Bordados Valencianos)
en 4 parties
2 flutes, (1 piccolo), 2 oboes, (1 tenor oboe), 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons,
2 horns, 1 saxo alto, 2 trumpets, harp, timpani, bells, percussion and strings
Dedication : à ma femme.
Duration: 20 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la Société des Concerts, Dijon
November 13th, 1974
Conductor : André Amellér
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
Op. 397 (1976)
La pintade sacrée
(Conte sénégalais)
for orchestra with saxophone solo and drums
Duration : 35 mn approximately
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available (partial)
Op. 237 (1977)
Mélodie pour elle (Poème symphonique)
2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 1 contra-bassoon, 1 bass clarinet, 2 clarinets,
4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba, timpani, celesta or timbre + rossignol
and strings
Duration: 17 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Dijon
January 11th, 1978
Conductor : André Amellér
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 256 (1979)
Trois moments musicaux
1 piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboe, 1 tenor oboe, 2 clarinets, 1 bass clarinet,
2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 1 tuba, timpani, tom-tom,
4 gongs, cymbal, bass drum, drum, hanged light cymbale, xylophone and strings
Duration: 17 mn
First performance :
- Orchestre de la Société des Concerts du Conservatoire, Dijon
March 14th, 1979
Conductor : André Amellér
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score, audio
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association
digital recording available
Op. 390
Trois symboles
pour orchestre
Sketch of unfinished work.
Referenced in the Multi-media library of our Association : score
- Unpublished
- Handwritten score available in the collection managed by the Association